Friday, May 25, 2012

Green Moments in New York

.... and two very sad dogs who had just realised that they were staying at home!


  1. Oh your dogs are so gorgeous! Their expressions made me laugh out loud though - it reminds me of when my Jack Russell Byron realised that we were leaving him to go off to Palm Springs last month - he'd packed his trunks and everything!
    Paula x
    p.s. Hope that you're enjoying New York!

  2. Awh I wish I could give them a hug ... oh New York, lucky you.

  3. Yay, great to hear from you. Those New York snaps look more like Paris!

    The photo of the dogs is priceless!

  4. oh Leigh I can't help thinking in my dog and my cat that stay at home when we go away! but no... you have to enjoy your NY trip! I was there a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it! xo


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