Saturday, August 1, 2009

Greenhouse Effect

High on the ever increasing Brabourne Farm wish list is a greenhouse. I would love to be able to grow beautiful potted flowering plants - I can't think of anything better than filling the house with gorgeous geraniums, hippeastrums, lilies, orchids ..... bliss! Have a lovely weekend.

Images - Alitex


  1. We are on the same page!! I have looked at these so many times. Unfortunately I don't have room for one. I think they are so pretty. Like glass playhouses. Have a great weekend!
    xxx kim

  2. That would make such a beautiful, peaceful, haven to go and enjoy. I hope you get one soon!

  3. Such beautiful images.
    One day I plan on having room for a greenhouse.


  4. one of the things on my property wish list is a lovely little green house with a stone or brick base - these are lovely!

  5. What a lovely post. They're all so beautiful. It brings back nice memories for me.

    The photos with the stone wall remind me of when we lived in Dublin. There was a school for the deaf, run by nuns, behind our house. We had a 12 foot stone wall that divided our properties, but from upstairs you could see over into the most beautiful garden. They had a green house very like that one too.

    Thank you!

  6. I think the third one is so pretty, nestled amongst the green, decisions, decisions.

  7. One day I will have a greenhouse!!

    Just wanted to say that I have you in my RSS reader. We just went through a looooong move and are FINALLY getting our internet back up today. I was able to read your blog on my Blackberry while enjoying my morning coffee. It was the one thing that was remotely normal and the highlight of my morning! Thankyou so much for continuing with the beautiful pictures!

  8. I live in a house that cries for one of the greenhouses! Wow thanks for showing these to me.

  9. There is a part of me that could live in a green house. I love these! Thanks so (as always) for sharing inspiration.


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